
Take a Peek Inside Our Wonderful World of Stories
A partial view, seen from the back, of a mother reaching down with her hand to her toddler, as they walk

Nobody seems to mind

I lived in my suburban townhouse for nine years before I set foot inside a neighbor’s house. I knew their names and enough for a few minutes of small talk, but after that it felt

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A man at the beach, standing lovingly holding a child in his arms, the child's arm is holding onto back of the man's arm

Building resilience

The pandemic was particularly hard on the mental health of adolescents. Their activities, plans, hopes and dreams were canceled or changed, and disappointment hit hard. Now many teenagers are depressed, angry, frustrated, confused and

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Curtained window with light of sunset and dim view of leafed out trees showing through thin curtains

Were it not for shadows

This past year, I turned 70, published my first collection of short stories, and lost my eldest brother to cancer. These events left me feeling as if I am only now beginning to know who

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Sunset over the ocean as viewed from the tidal beach

Love Finds Us

When I or someone I love is going through something heavy, I look to Spiritbox’s album “Eternal Blue.” Its brutal but beautiful songs were a constant companion during the COVID-19 lockdowns…

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Think that you might be wrong poster

Think That You Might Be Wrong

In 2010, recovering from a traumatic brain injury and traveling across the country with my wife, I was taken aback at seeing this handwritten sign on a telephone pole in New Orleans.

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