Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide a safe space where together we can share our stories, discover what connects us, and begin to build bridges across our divides.

Our mission is based on the beliefs that:

While we may be divided, we are not as far apart as we may seem.

No matter how different we may seem to be, we have many of the same fears, hopes, and dreams, even many of the same values. We delight in special moments and friendships, find solace in beauty and cherished places, mourn the loss of loved ones and cherished relationships, yearn to be seen and valued, and long for a country that we can believe in.

That is not to say that we should ignore or paper over our differences. To bridge our divides, we need to see each other as individuals and recognize that we have our own unique and valuable life experiences and perspectives.

By reading each other’s stories – and writing our own –  we can begin to see what we may have in common.

Taking the time to write our reflections and read those of others yields insights into what is significant and enduring in our and each other’s lives. These reflections can reveal our beliefs and values in ways that can draw us together rather than drive us apart.

When we have the opportunity to speak from the heart and feel that we have been heard, we are more receptive to listening to others. And hearing another’s story – walking a mile in their shoes – builds empathy and understanding.

We can then discover what connects us and begin to build bridges across our divides.

We can’t do it without you! Come join us!

Read the Stories and Meet the People Who Wrote Them

Wander around and see which stories speak to you. Each story contributes to our collective experiences, creating a bridge of shared understanding.

Share Your Story and Be a Bridge Builder

Reflect on a meaningful saying, quote, song or poem. It could be a favorite saying, a quote that inspires or challenges you, or a heart-touching song or poem.

Guidelines for Stories

Reflect on how the words express your beliefs, anchor you in an uncertain world, or aid you in grieving, healing, celebrating, empathizing, and gaining new perspectives.