Rocking chairs on a porch in the sun
Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

The Courage to Age

“When my bones are stiff and aching
And my feet won’t climb the stair,
I will only ask one favor:
Don’t bring me no rocking chair.”

— from “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou

My mother frequently narrated her aging experience. She remarked about having “good days” and “bad days” and how there were fewer “good days” the older she became. Limited were the times when she could eat whatever she wanted, and it digested well. Sleep deprivation resulted in shortened phone conversations and brain fog.

When she had her first fall while walking up the path to her house she explained that her foot used to automatically move to support her. It would take her by surprise when her foot no longer cooperated and often led her to stumble and on occasion, fall. She spoke without anger in a matter-of-fact tone when relating the aging adventure. No regret, no complaint . . . it was just life.

I am reminded of Maya Angelou’s poem “On Aging” where she states, “When my bones are stiff and aching / And my feet won’t climb the stair, / I will only ask one favor: / Don’t bring me no rocking chair.” My mother never stopped moving, traveling, or engaging in life and she was never ready for a rocking chair.

I listened to her knowing that my own aging challenges were coming. Now, I verbalize my adventures in aging to anyone who will listen. I do so with the hope that it will lead to greater understanding of the skills and work ethics held by those of us getting older. The reality is, no matter our age, we are all relevant in making our society work.

Nina-Ashur sitting on outdoor wall

Nina Ashur
I grew up in the sunshine and the warm weather in California. After 34 years as university faculty and K-12 educator, I now spend my time joyfully designing and maintaining my flower garden. I punctuate my days by singing in a community choir, penning family history stories, weightlifting, and playing nostalgic movie scores on piano. I am grateful to be available for in-the-moment activities.

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