Read more about the article Experiencing the Eclipse
During an eclipse, not every ray of light can pass through to the ground, leaving only the rays at a certain angle to make it, creating tiny images of the eclipse itself.

Experiencing the Eclipse

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And like Whitman, from time to time, we glide past the rigorous propriety of sanctioned learnedness and gaze “in perfect silence at the stars.”

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Read more about the article Play it again, Sam.
Photo by Josh Eckstein on Unsplash

Play it again, Sam.

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Think of all the times, you’ve talked with friends about the latest movie or show you’ve seen or dropped lines from movies in conversation. These lines become shorthand in our daily script, conveying meaning or signaling something about ourselves.

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Read more about the article Let’s talk about the food
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Let’s talk about the food

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Many people are traveling home for Christmas or other family gatherings this weekend. For some this is an easy time, something they look forward to. For others it can be challenging, fraught with tension. For those, what can be safe to talk about?

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Read more about the article It’s a moment of undoing
Curtis Brown/How to Dance in Ohio

It’s a moment of undoing

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“It’s a moment of undoing.” Hearing this short phrase, that so powerfully captures the pain and erasure inherent in stereotyping, took my breath away. Hearing how it applied to autistic people – “If you’ve met one autistic person, you have met one autistic person.” – was a wake-up call for me. It expanded my sense of how easy it is to stereotype all sorts of people, and how quickly I may fall into this. An important reminder for me.

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Read more about the article The Politics of Delusion
Photo: Scott McIntyre for The New York Times

The Politics of Delusion

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There are very real — and substantial — policy differences separating the Democratic and Republican Parties. At the same time, what scholars variously describe as misperception and even delusion is driving up the intensity of contemporary partisan hostility.

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