Recognizing that we live in challenging and divisive times, Building Bridges Word by Word offers a safe space where we can step back from the rifts that divide us, listen to each other’s stories, and discover that no matter how different we may be, we have many of the same fears, hopes, and dreams.
Building Bridges Word by Word is modeled on three successful poetry anthologies, Teaching with Fire, Leading from Within, and Teaching with Heart. In these books, educators and leaders reflect on a favorite poem and its meaning in their work and lives. Readers of these books shared how these stories resonated with their own life experiences, sometimes in surprising ways. One reader wrote: “to unexpectedly stumble onto something that jolts you into seeing the bigger picture again is a gift…” This insight became the premise for Building Bridges Word By Word.
Building Bridges Word By Word invites people, from all across the country and all walks of life, to share a favorite saying, quote, song, or poem and write a short reflection on why it is meaningful to them. Our goal is to gather voices as diverse as the people across our country with special attention to those who feel that their stories and experiences are seldom heard or valued. By posting these stories side by side, Building Bridges Word by Word creates a safe space where we can meet a wide range of people, including those outside of our circles – people we might not normally encounter or perhaps even seek out.
While there are organizations that bring diverse groups of people together, it is not feasible to engage everyone in such face-to-face efforts. Moreover, not everyone is open to engaging in this way. Some of us may be hesitant to engage with those outside of our circles, fearing that we may be challenged for our values or beliefs. Building Bridges provides an alternative virtual space where we can get to know others in a non-confrontational way, thereby building understanding and compassion for each other, and hopefully developing the confidence to reach out and connect in other ways.
To ensure that this is a safe space for all, we ask that writers focus on something that matters to them and refrain from commentaries on other people. We will not accept malicious content, hostile language, or anonymous reflections.
We hope you will join us in telling your story – and reading those of others – and begin to build bridges word by word.